Whether working towards building a great relationship with your pet, or rehabilitating unwanted behaviors that are disrupting relationships between pets or owners, you MUST be willing to commit time on a daily basis to do “homework” and practice the curriculum with your dog, outside of training sessions. You MUST agree to follow the recommended schedule for exercise, obedience training, feeding, and playtime activities – even if it feels foreign at first. To get comfortable, sometimes you must get uncomfortable; and Lexi will guide you through that process as well. Progress comes down to consistent communication and follow-through; as well as dedication to working on the program everyday with your pet.
Many owners fear they won’t have time for the program, or have concerns they will complete the program curriculum but not be able to maintain it. Rest assured, the program curriculum is a bridge to correcting behavior and re-directing new, learned, good behavior that will work within YOUR lifestyle. The end results are geared to re-acclimating you and your pet to a healthier and happier routine – which in the end will take less time and efforts. By committing to the work, you’re committing to progress. **If you can not make the commitment; Lexi cautions not to proceed with her services.