Rescuing a new puppy or older dog? Wonderful choice and Lexi is here to help you make the transition of bringing your new baby home. Rescue dogs have had past experiences that influence their current behavior, so it's important to be aware and sympathetic to their acclimation period. Ask as many questions from your rescue organization and be prepared for an adjustment period. It's important not to coddle fear or aggression based behaviors that may appear in the re-housebreaking stage of integrating your new dog into the flow of your existing house-hold. Lexi will help identify all potential unwanted behaviors and assist you as you welcome your pup home. For house-holds with children, babies, or other existing pets, like dogs or cats there's a delicate balance making sure your current dogs are safe and welcoming, while ensuring your rescue dog is comfortable and well-behaved as they find their place in the pack.
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